Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Umpire ejects entire crowd during baseball game

Sheeple of the Month Award goes to Umpire Don Briggs in West Burlington, Iowa
for taking a big crap on our First Amendment Rights.

It's the trickle down God Complex at work here. It seems that no matter how low on the totem pole they are, some people, if given even the slightest bit of power seem to abuse it at will. Umpire Don Briggs working a High School baseball game in West Burlington, Iowa felt it necessary to eject the entire crowd of over 100 people for being unruly, yelling and arguing.

However, West Burlington Superintendent James Sleister said he didn't see any unusual behavior and said he thought the umpire overreacted. The game resumed after a 40-minute delay. West Burlington won 12-11. The umpire called police as a precaution. West Burlington police officer Al Waterman says there were no arrests. He says he saw no unruliness himself.

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