The administration can do anything now, above the law or not. Regardless whether or not our rights are infringed or not, regardless of citizens privacy or civil liberties, regardless of respecting law and upholding the Constitution which is the law of the land. All under deceitful guise of "fighting terrorism!" "keeping America safe from big bad evil terrorists who hate our freedom and way of life!" or whatever flavor of the month phantom bogeyman 'enemy' they're currently promoting to scare us cattle into complacency so they can carry out their war fraud profiteering scam and resource grabbing uninterrupted. As the government destroys more of our rights, civil liberties and extinguishes the Bill of Rights and the Constitution in the process.
We have no security or real protection in this country. We are no more "safer" now than we were on 9/11 it's all a total FARCE.
Give us more "patriot act" garbage legislation and spy bills to search our computers without probable cause or consent, but leave Americas borders and ports wide open, completely unsecured right. Sounds like a real serious "terrorist threat" huh. What a joke. Why bother securing the borders when the real terrorists are in Washington wearing Brooks Brothers suits, right ?
It is not the duty of the so called "law enforcement" or police to protect you. Their job is to protect the Corporation of the US, inc. and arrest code breakers.
Any illusion of 'security' is to be used against us instead. The security state is to protect the elite crime syndicate in power, the bought, sold & paid for puppet parade, the fine clothed, makeup coated, script reading, vote seeking, trained and polished mis"leaders" who are very well protected from the common peoples plight. Not us.
The 'WAR ON TERROR" is a giant crock of shit. The war is on us.
No phantom terrorists are destroying this country. The mis-leaders, professional deceivers and organized crime in positions of power are destroying this country.
Wake the FUCK up people. What's it going to take, America?
"Today we are facing despots who are using "national security" and "classification" to push everything under a blanket of secrecy. To gag-order, and to call it a "privilege"..Unless we recognize the attacks for what they are, and stand up, and speak out, no -SHOUT OUT -,against those despots in government, then we are doomed to wake up one sad morning and wonder when and where our freedom DIED."